We’ll say it again: it is important to remember that all federal, state and local laws still exist in and around Black Rock City.
Child safety is of the utmost importance in Black Rock City. We know you want your children to be safe, and we do too. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring the safety and welfare of their children. Please be forewarned that in the past, law enforcement officials have taken action against parents at Burning Man for failing to keep their minor-aged children under their supervision. Please see the Kids and Families section of the Survival Guide to learn about the The Family Unification Network (FUN) program in Black Rock City.
Depositing any form of human waste on the playa is illegal. We can’t stress this enough. Don’t use the playa as your toilet. Just don’t. Anyone who deposits human waste on the playa surface is creating a health hazard and jeopardizing the future of our event. If you see somebody depositing or dumping waste, please help the community by letting them know that what they’re doing is wrong and report the matter to the Black Rock Rangers. Here’s information about proper disposal of human waste.
The use and possession of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia are violations of the law. Depending on the violation, you may receive a citation or be arrested and/or evicted from the event. The possession of large quantities or a variety of drugs may be interpreted as evidence of intent to distribute or trafficking, a serious felony offense. Providing illegal substances to someone else could also be considered drug trafficking.
The federal government does not recognize state laws decriminalizing marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. The possession or use of marijuana is against the law in the Black Rock-High Rock National Conservation Area where the Black Rock City event takes place. Having a medical marijuana card is NOT a defense.
Adults aged 21 and over are permitted under Nevada law to possess and transport up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana (and up to 1/4 ounce of concentrated marijuana) and marijuana paraphernalia within the state (but not on federal land, where the Black Rock City event takes place). In Nevada, the use of marijuana in public places other than licensed cannabis consumption lounges is still prohibited, as is possession or transportation of more than 2.5 ounces (which could be evidence of trafficking under state law). Other restrictions also apply.
See Nevada Revised Statutes Chapters 678A and 678D for Nevada’s laws regulating medical and recreational marijuana. Remember that marijuana remains illegal under federal law, and the BLM may cite anyone in Black Rock City for possession of any amount.
Prescription drugs must be transported with the prescription and kept in the bottle you received from the pharmacist at all times.
Driving with an open container or under the influence of alcohol (DUI) is illegal. Nevada’s blood alcohol limit (BAC) is .08 for drivers 21 years of age and older, and 0.02 for drivers under 21.
Knowingly serving alcohol to minors is illegal. If your theme camp has a bar where alcoholic drinks are served, the person serving alcohol should check that any person being served is at least 21. It is a state and local offense for anyone under 21 to consume alcoholic beverages or to try to pass themselves off as being of age. It is a violation of Pershing County law for minors to even possess alcoholic beverages.
No lewd or lascivious behavior in public. Yes, we know that Black Rock City is a private event and there is a lot of remote unpopulated space within the seven square miles. However, you still need to use common sense and be respectful of others and the law. We are aware of no law that criminalizes nudity in Black Rock City. However, lewd and lascivious behavior in public is illegal, and what is considered public space under the law is not clearly defined. Again, act responsibly. Also, be aware of your surroundings. Be extremely mindful of families with children who are part of our community.
Disorderly conduct is prohibited. No fighting, violence or threats. Also, do not obstruct, resist or attempt to elude a law enforcement officer. Follow their orders or directions.
Personal fireworks are prohibited. Our Pyro Team will make sure you get to see fireworks when the Man burns. So leave it to the professionals. For everyone else — leave your fireworks at home.
Possession or discharge of firearms or weapons is prohibited.
For more information see:
- BLM’s 2024 Burning Man Temporary Closure Order, which has all of BLM’s temporary restrictions for the Burning Man event (2023-2027)
- 2024 Closure Order Map
- BLM’s 2024 Stipulations