While the event ends at 6 pm Monday, September 2, Exodus continues through noon Tuesday, September 3. Sunday and Monday are when most people leave. Listen to GARS (95.1 FM) for traffic updates and wait times — if the line of cars in Exodus is long, and your schedule allows, don’t get on the road yet. Take some extra time to rest for the drive, secure your vehicle loads, hug your friends, and do another MOOP sweep of your campsite.
In past years, Exodus travel times peaked at six to nine hours just to get from Greeters to the pavement of County Road 34. It can take another few hours after that to get to Reno. Weather, vehicle accidents, or other issues that affect travel can make the trip even longer, so it’s important to plan accordingly. Make sure you have enough rest, fuel, water, snacks, and the things you need to take care of yourself readily accessible in your vehicle. Allow for up to 12 hours to make it to the Reno airport during peak egress (Exodus).
Above all, keep that playa vibe with you! Avoid road rage, cutting in front of fellow travelers, or driving dangerously in order to save a few minutes. Take your time, have fun, and remember: Leaving No Trace and community spirit do not stop once you leave Black Rock City.
Tips for making the best-odus of your Exodus:
- Schedule your camp or project tear down so that your crew leaves outside of prime daytime travel hours. Try to leave very early in the morning, in the later evening, or on Tuesday morning before noon.
- BMIR 94.5 FM will broadcast specific info about Exodus when you are headed out, as well as current travel times.
- GARS 95.1 FM will broadcast travel times and travel information multiple times per hour for Exodus traffic.
- Upon leaving your camp, head straight to K Street at the back of the city and then turn towards Greeters and Gate. This is the most direct route to Gate Road and helps to prevent the city center from getting too clogged up.
- Greeters are brightly lit by light towers with a digital messaging board at the entrance to Gate Road. When you get to Greeters, please use all available lanes on Gate Road. ALL lanes on Gate Road during Exodus are outbound lanes… always, always, always.
- Lost your passenger or your vehicle during Exodus? Head to F Lot, the Final Frontier to Find It or Fix It before you hit pavement. It’s the new reunification station, on the far right or far left of all lanes just before traffic merges onto the gravel road to the pavement.
- If your vehicle is performing poorly or could break down, use the farthest right or left lanes and head to F Lot where a tow truck or other help can get to you faster, safer, and more easily.
- If the vehicle in front of you is stopped but traffic is moving, check in on your neighbor, and if needed, go around the stopped vehicle safely. You do not need to change lanes! All lanes are 20 feet wide to allow for vehicles to go around in case of breakdowns.
- If you see another vehicle with a load that has shifted or become loosened, let them know before it becomes a MOOP problem or worse, a traffic hazard. You can also advise them to head to F Lot via far right or left lane. It’s the last stop to secure your load before you hit pavement.
- Hitchhiking out of BRC? Stay at the Greeters area to find a ride. This is the safest location and the best place for drivers to see you.
- Do NOT create an alternate exit. Any vehicles found to be outside the perimeter of BRC or Gate Road are in violation of the event Closure Order. Closure Order violations are ticketed by the BLM. Then you will be returned to the back of the Exodus line.
Pulsing: Exodus peak times
Pulsing is used on Gate Road to move vehicles at regular intervals toward the highway. Vehicles stop and turn off their engines; then every hour, vehicles are pulsed a mile forward all at once. Pulsing does not get you out of the city more slowly or quickly, but it simply gives you a break from driving and is more environmentally friendly.
We may implement pulsing at any time from 12:01 am Sunday morning until 11:59 pm Monday, or until it’s no longer needed. Make the most out of your Exodus experience! Pulsing is the perfect time to create One-hour Neighborhoods (see a participant’s explanation of this idea) and ensure your fellow Burners have properly secured their loads. Pack water, snacks, instruments and anything else to make the wait more fun. Have a one-hour dance party and meet your neighbors in line. Want more info on how pulsing works? Check it out here.
Potties are available on the sides of Gate Road. Listen to GARS 95.1 FM and BMIR 94.5 FM for Exodus and pulsing info.
You remembered a spare key, right?
Every year, Burners lock their keys in their car or lose them. One simple step will save you tons of time, hassle and money: Make an extra key and store it someplace secure. Hassle avoided!
In dire situations, lockout services are available at Playa Info. If Playa Info is closed, fill out a lockout request form and leave it in the drop mailbox out front.
For after-hour emergencies, such as critical medications or a child locked in a car, you can ask a Black Rock Ranger or go to Ranger HQ (5:45 & Esplanade) for assistance.
Blow before you go
If your camp has an air compressor, use it to blow dust out of your engine compartment — in particular your engine air filter. A silt-filled air filter greatly increases the likelihood of an overheated engine and it reduces gas mileage. You can also pull your air filter out and bang out the dirt, or bring a new extra filter.
So, you need a tow?
If you break down on your way to, but not yet inside BRC, and you are a member of a well-known auto club (first letter of alphabet, say it three times), you can call the number on the back of your membership card for local service.*
If you’re broken down on the playa, and need a tow outside the event, go to Playa Info at Esplanade & 5:45 during their operating hours (Monday of the event through Monday post-event, 9am – 6pm). to inquire about the availability of tow service within BRC from Saturday of the event through Tuesday post-event.
*The well-known auto club will again not leave the roadways to enter the event site, as off-road service is not covered for members.
Renting a vehicle? Clean it thoroughly — including the engine
If you’re renting a car, a cube truck, or RV, you want to clean the living hell out of it, including the engine. You might get dinged for an extra fee if you don’t. Also, returning rental cars in bad shape reflects badly on our community and risks our people’s future ability to rent cars.